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Antigone, This Play I Read In High School
Presented by ACT's Young Core Company

By Anna Ziegler
Directed by Shana Bestock

“How far would you go to protect what you believe?”  When Antigone makes a fateful decision about her body, her uncle makes an equally fateful decision to uphold the law of the land rather than protect her. This utterly contemporary script reimagines the classic Greek tragedy to explore the fallout to families when bodies and the body politic collide. With sly humor and primal power, Antigone invites everybody to connect with empathy across physical and moral distance. 

CONTENT ADVISORY: This play has mature themes and references to sex, suicide, and birth. Please reach out if you have any questions about whether it's appropriate for you or your family.

Item details


Sunday, March 26, 2023 2:00PM

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